Carbon Neutral Statement

We recognise that climate change is the primary threat to our community, our natural world and society as a whole. We are proud to align our organisation with the United Nations Framework Convention of Climate Change (UNFCCC) Race to Zero Campaign and the SME Climate Commitment, by confirming our carbon neutrality for FY23/24.

As part of our recognition of our responsibility to the environment we commit to the following:
Reporting – We will annually report on the emissions we have created and offset each financial year.
Reduction – We will reduce our emissions as much as is practicably possible, by using clean energy, reducing fuel emissions caused by travel and reducing purchase of material goods.
Offsetting – We will offset all the emissions we create using reputable offset providers with recognised certifications.
JVAT carbon reduction projects:
Currently we have 3 initiatives taking place to reduce our carbon emissions.
– Pursuing an ISO 14001 certification, which will provide us further guidance on emissions reduction and reporting.
– Standardising our reporting procedure for carbon emissions and all offsets purchased.
– Understanding how we can switch to 100% renewable energy use across all offices in the next 10 years.
JVAT is committed to doing the right thing for the environment and for the communities we operate in. As an already low emission business it is a no brainer for us to invest in the welfare of our planet moving forward, and we are excited to play our part by being carbon neutral and continually improving our practices and behaviours.