JVAT’s management solutions are tailored to meet these unique challenges by providing rigour and consistency around identifying, managing and mitigating strategic operational, business and technology related risks.
Our Energy Expertise
Drawing from our exceptional industry knowledge and extensive consultant network, we provide a fresh perspective on delivering integrated solutions for the Oil and Gas, Power and Water sectors.
Our approach inspires confidence through quality driven, innovative, solutions-based industry criteria. It includes the following:
Best Practice ISO 14001 (Environmental Management)
Implementation of international and national environmental goals and targets through industry best practice ISO 14001 (Environmental Management).
Support to projects which meet the integrity principles of the Climate Active standard.
Systematic Approach
Embed a systematic approach to energy management within your organisation by implement and maintain principles of ISO 50001 (Energy Management).
Develop plans, and make sure we have the necessary resources to deal with spills, leaks, fires or explosions.
Reduce Workplace Risks
Use best-practice practices and methods aligned to industry standards including ISO45001 (Safety Management) to reduce workplace risks and make sure that everyone gets home safely.
JVAT’s key focus is on ensuring quality information is provided at the right time to Energy and Resources stakeholders in order to ensure ‘justified confidence’ in the organisations’ risk management maturity, as well as to allow informed risk-based decision making.
Increased the level and quality of management safety interactions conducted by our leadership group.
Manager, Aggreko,
Quality Health Safety Environment Manager